Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Calendar of the Judged

-- about to whap somebody accidentally with the log in his eye --

It has come to my attention that I may have been judging a few people. OK, maybe a LOT of people . . . and systems . . . and groups and stuff. OUCH! I would have liked to have been holier than that. Anyway, what an opportunity for a Lenten resolution!

While on the road this summer my family visited a Catholic church that had a calendar in the bulletin. Each day had the name of a different priest of the diocese. The idea is that the faithful would take the calendar home and get in the habit of daily prayers for priests.

Have you ever stubbed your toe and not been able to think, in the pain of the moment, who to offer it up for? I hate it when that happens. Wasted pain bugs me.

So using the name-of-the-day method, like on the priest calendar, I can solve both that problem and maybe make up a bit for the sins of my judgmental heart.

This Lent my plan is to write a name of one of my judgees on every day of a blank calendar for the whole 40 days. It would be nice to think I will need to repeat things to fill all the spots. We shall see. The name of the day gets prayers and all my boo-boos offered up for them.

What an exercise, listing all those I have wronged in my heart!

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