Monday, March 15, 2010

Idea - Confessional Cookies

"Waiting" by Jeff Gardner (above)
a serious picture for a silly idea
This weekend our 2nd graders had their First Reconciliation. Some were pretty nervous, reminding me that telling a priest what a jerk you were can be an intimidating thing to do.

I wonder what there is in Church law that says after absolution the priest can't give them a container of milk and a wrapped cookie. They would have to do their penance first and a space would have to be set up outside the sanctuary to eat the snack I suppose.

And then I thought, heck, adults probably want milk and cookies after their confessions too! Maybe the Knights of Columbus could purchase a mini-fridge for the priest's side of the confessional. Can you imagine?!

I don't think I am serious about this. It is fraught with problems and "issues" I am sure. The idea made me smile though. :)


  1. Issues and smiles, too. Reminds me of the orange juice and treat they give out when you give blood!

  2. LOL! Hopefully you are less likely to pass out after confession than after giving blood. :)

  3. Oh, this post made me smile, as well as remember that I need to call and make an appointment for Confession.
